Our Data

With our state-of-the-art technology and a dedicated team of experts, our data is updated in real time with real accuracy. Business and consumer information to guide decisions and fuel innovation.

The Data You Need

The data, resources, and solutions you need to achieve your goals. A database compiled by experts to bring you a full profile of accurate business and consumer data in the United States. Work with our dedicated data experts to strategize the right data for your business.

Business Data

Our accurate, multi-sourced business database gives you access to the most comprehensive business information available. With our state-of-the-art technology, we have the ability to merge various business databases to give you customized, highly targeted business information you simply can’t get anywhere else.

Consumer Data

Tap into the most targeted and largest source of consumer data available. Over 110 different demographic segments – including income, age, purchasing behavior, marital status and more. Updated in real time so you get the most accurate data available.

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Our database is multi-sourced using yellow pages and business white pages, along with annual reports, government data, business directories, corporate and executive registers and public records. 

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Our database is compiled from hundreds of public and proprietary sources including white pages, assessment records, surveys, credit cards, drivers’ licenses, warranty data, credit bureaus, mail order data, and more.


To ensure accuracy, the file is then put through a telephone verification process to update and obtain additional information, such as employee size, key contact name and primary SIC code. Our business database is CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) Certified and Delivery Point Validation (DPV) confirmed and backed by a 95% deliverability guarantee.


Continuously updated using multiple resources. Processed against both the National Change of Address file (NCOA) and Delivery Sequence File Carrier routed and zip+4 coded using the U.S. Postal Service’s certified Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS) and Delivery Point Validation (DPV) confirmation.

Business Data

Our accurate, multi-sourced business database gives you access to the most comprehensive business information available. With our state-of-the-art technology, we have the ability to merge various business databases to give you customized, highly targeted business information you simply can’t get anywhere else.

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Consumer Data

Tap into the most targeted and largest source of consumer data available. Over 110 different demographic segments – including income, age, purchasing behavior, marital status and more. Updated in real time so you get the most accurate data available.

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How can we help you?

Discover new possibilities. Free consultation and Sample File to test our data.

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